Our Team Synergy.

Your Team Success.

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What is Our Team Synergy?

What Is Our Team Synergy

Most organisations measure Key Performance Indicators, usually Cost, Quality and Time.

These three areas of performance, are directly impacted by how effective teamwork is.

8 out of 10 teams do not measure the effectiveness of their teamwork*, because they don’t realise that it can be measured.

Our Team Synergy features a unique model that measures 16 areas of teamwork.

It’s been in existence for many years, and used successfully by teams globally.

*Survey via LinkedIn, in August 2023 based on 292 responses.

What is Our Team Synergy?

Our Team Synergy gives you total control of its application within your organisation, without needing an external facilitator.

The report is based on the perception of individual team members, of their team.

The 48 statements answered, feed into 16 Elements, 3 statements per Element.

These 16 Elements feed into 4 Categories, 4 per Category.

The Team Synergy Effectiveness percentage represents the overall perception of how effective teamwork is.

Total Control

Of the implementation within your organisation.

Anonymous Reporting

Individual team members feel safe to respond.

Percentage Indicator Illustration

8 in 10 teams don’t measure their team effectiveness.

Why Does It Help Teams?

Imagine everyone is asked the same question; ‘How effective do you think our teamwork is?’.

The individual responses to that question will be both subjective and objective, depending on the preference of the person responding.

Perception is hard to measure. A whiteboard looks longer or shorter or deeper to a room of people, depending on conditions such as light, time of day, eyesight of person and so on.

That’s where the model acts a focal point or based on our example, a measuring tape. The 48 statement questionnaire feeding into 16 key elements of what effective and efficient teamwork should be, based on over 20 years of reserach and development.

How often do you have a team without team meetings?

Do you ever question what your team exists to do?

Is the team representative of the diversity of the company?

The model is a mirror and a focal point all at the same time, taking indvidual perception (Ipsative) annd allowing the report and findings to create a group percpetion (Normative) that the entire team can understand, recognise and based on indvidual responses, relate to in some capacity.

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Top 10. In Demand

Teamwork is one of the top 10 skills most needed by organisations in 2024 according to LinkedIn.

Upskill. Reskill.

The beginner facilitator course helps you at a time when high performing teamwork is coveted.

Top 10 label. Golden laurel wreath icon
In Logo Blue Vector

Teamwork is an in demand skill in 2024.


Our Team Synergy Academy supports individuals in interpreting and facilitating the Our Team Synergy Report, helping them feel confident in leading team learning sessions to explore the report's results.

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Simple Tablet Frame

Our Team Synergy Academy

Not A Facilitator? Not A Problem:)



AI assisted Accessible


Meet expected outcomes to facilitate Our Team Synergy


Adapt what you learn to facilitate within your organisation


Help when required from experts and the community

‘I think the takeaway is ‘it is a really good platform, easy to use and promotes the aim (to question and build high-performing teams)’, which is testament in itself.’

David McDonagh MBA, PGDip, AfCGI, ChPP, FAPM, MIET

Project Director

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Online Video Conference Webinar Call

It enables teams to celebrate what is working well, and importantly, discuss and agree practical solutions to overcome any challenges, and in doing so, help them to achieve even greater success.

Their Words.

The team submitted their individual responses to produce Our Team Synergy Report. We were then able to review what was working well and what the team perceived as areas of challenge. We then undertook some facilitated sessions that resulted in practical solutions being agreed, upon that would overcome our challenges.

Not Ours.

The team found the Report extremely useful, and the insights and learning have helped us, both as individuals and as a team, to work more effectively.

Benefits & Pricing

Green Tick

Benchmark how effectively the team perceive their teamwork overall and in 16 areas of teamwork.

Report can be produced as soon as teams complete the anonymous online evaluator.

Facilitation of the report can be completed in-house. No external facilitation needed.

Teams can re-run the report to re-measure and understand the progress made.

When used with multiple teams, it can highlight organisational issues.

Green Tick
Green Tick
Green Tick
Green Tick
Sale Banner

Our Team Synergy Report - £250 (£400RRP)

(Excludes VAT/Price Per Report)

Admin Fee - Access to Hub & Academy (£180)

(Excludes VAT/Price Per Report)

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Did you know web banner, idea box, quote for interesting fact. Vector on transparent background

You can pay by PayPal or credit card to trial the report and expense it before needing a PO.

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Why Our Team Synergy?

Organisations Don’t Support ​Their Teams

Accessible. Affordable.

Provides learning and measurement, ​understanding.

united kingdom map
Team Members Illustration

Average team size U.K. between ​5-10


Average salary 2024 = £34,000


Example Case Study

8 x 34,000 = Annual Salary Bill of £272K

1% = £2,720

OTS investment £580 (RRP)

ROI = 369% or 4-1

Offer Price £430

ROI = 6-1

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Our Team Synergy is an accessible, affordable, team ​effectiveness and development report designed to impact ​Teams, Leaders & Organisations.

It’s the only team development report in the UK that allows ​anyone appointed by an organisation to become an Our Team ​Synergy Facilitator.

External facilitation costs are reduced or eliminated and ​replaced with a highly measurable understanding of how a ​team sees themselves and what action they can take to become ​truly high-performing.

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